Should my dog sleep in my bed?

Your new pup has come and brings so much fun and joy with them. You have prepared for their arrival, bought various toys, the correct food and of course a nice comfy bed so that they can have the best night’s sleep possible.A cute dog under a blanket

You need to think about where to strategically place their new, sometimes expensive puppy bed, but where is best you ask yourself. Some prefer to leave the bed in the kitchen, others in the living room or pantry, sometimes next to your own bed in your bedroom.

At, we are not qualified veterinarians or animal nutritionists. The information that we provide is general and educational information only and is not a substitute for professional advice.

But what does your new friend think about having to be away from you for an entire night? Remember that we as owners are our pals entire world, can they be away from us for that long or should they be?

A lot of people find it disgusting or very unhealthy just at the thought of sharing their bed with their four-legged friend. For others, even the thought of a night without snuggling up against Fido is a nightmare itself and totally unthinkable.

So what are your thoughts? Should my dog sleep in my bed with me, or do you prefer your own space and find it better that your furry friend enjoys their own space too?


Recent studies have shown that there are many positives to sharing your bed with your furry little friend. Contrary to what many people think, sleeping with your dog can give you an enormous amount of calm and security. If they are locked away far from you in another room or on another floor the sense of being separated can become unbearable.

A dog sleeping at the end of a bed

I, for one, would not have my baby girl anywhere except for by my side. Her calm breath gently blowing on my neck and the quiet snoring makes me feel relaxed knowing she is there and I seem to sleep much better than if she wasn’t there.

Because of this, many dog owners find it very therapeutic to sleep with their best friend and would never have it any other way.

Another benefit from having your canine companion sleep close to you I find is the security factor. Dogs are known to be relatively light sleepers, I myself am not! In case of an emergency such as an intruder in your home or a fire breaking out then having your pal close to you to alert you of any emergency situation could prove to be a lifesaver.


Some people find it unhealthy to have their dogs sharing their sleeping habitat with them. There are germs and bacteria which could have been picked up from anywhere outside on the paws or body of your beloved pet.

The size of your pal could have a huge bearing on whether or not it is suitable to have them with you in your hours of much-needed sleep. A big dog can certainly take up a lot of space within your sleeping quarters, which reduces your ability to toss and turn at night as many of us have a tendency and need to do.


It is important for us as humans and for our doggy friends to have our own independence. When your new pal arrives at your home, one of the first things to have prepared on arrival is their own sleeping quarters or bed!

Whether or not they will be comfortable spending their slumber time here and away from you can depend on many things.

Are they happy spending the night on their own, without cuddling up to their owner? A lot of dogs prefer their independence whilst others would do anything to eternally be next to their owner’s side day and night.

Where to let them Sleep

A dog sleeping on a bed with a woman

If letting your beloved pal share your bed with you, where is the best place to let them sleep? Again this can depend a lot on the size of Fido. A 5kg jack russell terrier will take up a lot less space on your pillow than a labrador or a Doberman.

A lot of dogs find it more comfortable sleeping at the end of your bed, either between your legs or feet, while others have a preference to pass their night away in between yourself and your partner.

The decision on where to let them sleep if they are sharing a bed with you should come down to you and you only! As much as we love our furry friends, it’s imperative that they know who the boss is and if they prevent you from having a proper night’s sleep whilst sleeping with you then something has to change.

To sum up

So, should my dog sleep in my bed? Hopefully, the information here can assist you a little in whether or not you wish to share the sanction of your bedroom with your four-legged friend.The heads of three puppies sleeping together

As you can probably tell, I personally wouldn’t have it any other way. In my experience I feel more secure having my best friend with me, the thought of her sleeping anywhere else would fill me with sadness and bad feelings.

But there are always two sides to every argument. In my opinion, if you feel comfortable, and your dog also feels comfortable sharing the same bed together and there are no health issues involved then what harm can come of it?

Have a fantastic night’s sleep!

I would love you all to share any thoughts or experiences you may have encountered whether positive or negative, in regards to sharing your bed with your beloved friend in the comments section below.

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