Rid Your Dog of Fleas Naturally

How Best to Rid Your Dog of Fleas Naturally If you own a pet dog, there is always that constant strain on your mind that your best friend can catch fleas. Fleas are parasites that feed on animals and humans’ blood and are common in households with pets. Most commonly, dogs are afflicted by fleas … Read more

Travelling with a dog on a plane

Can I take my four-legged friend with me on a plane? Well, the simple answer here is yes you can. But there are many things to consider before travelling with a dog on a plane. At perfectpuppypal.com, we are not qualified veterinarians or animal nutritionists. The information that we provide is general and educational information … Read more

How Much Exercise Does a Dog Need Everyday?

How Much Exercise Does a Dog Need Everyday? Daily exercise is extremely important for all dogs of all ages. Not only is exercise essential for fidos physical health, but it is also beneficial for their mental health too. But how much exercise does a dog need every day? There are many factors to consider when … Read more

Should my dog sleep in my bed?

Your new pup has come and brings so much fun and joy with them. You have prepared for their arrival, bought various toys, the correct food and of course a nice comfy bed so that they can have the best night’s sleep possible. You need to think about where to strategically place their new, sometimes … Read more

Is dog health insurance worth it?

As a dog owner, apart from the obvious sadness from losing your beloved pet altogether to an accident or illness, what is the worst thing you can imagine happening? What if your four-legged friend has contracted a serious illness or has suffered a life-threatening accident, there is treatment available that could save their life, but … Read more

Durable chew toys for dogs – save your furniture!

A happy dog sitting in a pile of his favourite toys

So, we have all been there, our new furry friend has arrived and has started to destroy anything and everything in sight! Dogs chew. They need to chew, whether it’s teething puppies or adult dogs who need to keep their teeth clean and jaw muscles strong, research shows that chewing also helps to reduce boredom … Read more