Dangerous Foods for Dogs – Keep Fido Safe!

While there are many perfectly safe human foods out there that our four-legged friends can consume without any issues, there are some that humans can eat and digest normally, but if given to your dog they can potentially cause some serious health problems leaving Fido feeling under the weather at least.

The content below has been compiled in no particular order as to which are the most dangerous foods for dogs, as we here at perfectpuppypal.com believe it best if all are avoided.

Onions, chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, xylitol, grapes and raisins, macadamia nuts, yeast dough

At perfectpuppypal.com, we are not qualified veterinarians or animal nutritionists. The information that we provide is general and educational information only and is not a substitute for professional advice.


Onions contain chemicals called thiosulphates and disulphides which if consumed by your furry friend can prove to be highly toxic. Onions, as with garlic, chives, leeks and shallots belong to the allium family which are fine for human consumption but our domestic friends lack the enzyme in their bodies that humans have, so are unable to break down the offending chemicals as we can.

Because of this, if dogs consume too much onion it could lead to a serious medical condition called hemolytic anemia which is when the toxins attach themselves to your beloved’s red blood cell’s oxygen molecules, inhibiting their ability to carry oxygen around their bodies in the correct manner. Please be aware that if left untreated or failure to visit your vet swiftly the consequences could prove to be fatal.


Chocolate is an immensely popular food for humans, but for your dog can cause serious health problems. Chocolate contains theobromine as well as caffeine which our bodies have the ability to break down and digest much easier than that of our canine companions. All types of chocolate can be hazardous for dogs but generally darker chocolate is worse as it contains higher amounts of caffeine and theobromine.


Caffeine is another substance regularly consumed by humans that has the potential to cause serious health issues for your canine friend. As a stimulant, caffeine affects the heart and nervous systems of humans and has a similar effect on the health of your pup too. But please remember that dog’s digestive systems are very different from ours, and if ingested only a small amount of caffeine can be very toxic for your dog. Obviously, the size of your dog plays a part here as the larger the breed the more caffeine would have to be ingested to become toxic.


We all enjoy the odd tipple now and again so why not let Fido join in on the fun? Well, to start with alcohol is a toxic substance for humans if consumed in excess and can also be extremely toxic for your furry friend even if only a little is ingested. Spirits such as whiskey, vodka, or gin, having a higher alcohol content than beers or wines pose a greater threat to a dog’s health if swallowed, so always keep that liquor cabinet locked and out of your pet’s reach.

Also, beware that alcohol can be found in many household products too, from things like vinegar and soy sauce to bathroom items such as perfume, aftershave, and mouthwash. So just be careful with what might be lying around your home as dogs are curious creatures and have a tendency to lick just about anything!


Xylitol is a sweetener or sugar substitute that is becoming more and more popular as an additive and can be found in many foods these days, such as sugar-free chewing gum, some medicines and vitamins, toothpaste and mouthwash, and even in certain baking mixes and cakes. While xylitol is perfectly safe for humans to consume, it can become life-threatening for your dog.

Why? Well, if ingested by animals such as dogs, which unlike humans are a non-primate species, xylitol can cause a sudden and very high release of insulin into their bodies resulting in two very serious conditions: severe liver failure (acute hepatic necrosis) and extremely low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia).

If you ever think that your beloved pet has consumed anything that contains xylitol then a trip to your vet is a must.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins of all sizes and colours can be extremely dangerous for dogs and it doesn’t matter which variety they are either. Even the consumption of a single grape can make your pup incredibly unwell, causing vomiting, diarrhea and in some extreme cases acute kidney failure and death.

Experts don’t yet have an answer as to why grapes and raisins are so toxic for dogs, (although tests are ongoing) they just know that they are. Symptoms include abdominal pain, tiredness, lack of appetite, dehydration, and either excessive peeing or hardly peeing at all.

Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts are another commonly eaten food found in many households which can be very toxic for dogs. These tasty nuts can be included in the ingredients of foods such as cookies, brownies, fudge, and cakes to name but a few, but should always be avoided by your dog.

As with grapes and raisins, the exact reason why these nuts are toxic for fido is not entirely known, but there have been many cases of seriously ill dogs showing symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, increased heart and breathing rates as well as weakness in the legs and high temperatures, after consumption. If ingested in high amounts these nuts can cause serious damage to the health of your pet, or even worse, so definitely keep them out of your pooches reach.

Yeast dough

The last food I would like to put on our list of dangerous foods for dogs is yeast dough. We’ve all had the temptation to let our four-legged friend lick the pizza or bread mixture bowl when we have finished preparing the base of one of our favourite home-cooked snacks, but we shouldn’t!

There are two reasons why the consumption of yeast dough can be harmful to your best friend. Firstly, yeast is a living organism, which thrives within a warm and moist environment (your dog’s stomach is exactly this). The problem here is that while growing and fermenting, the chemical properties yeast produce, predominantly carbon dioxide, expand inside the stomach of your pet, and can cause extreme bloating thus putting dangerous amounts of pressure on a number of your dog’s internal organs.

Secondly, alcohol poisoning is a severe threat for our canine companions when the ingestion of yeast dough is involved. As well as producing carbon dioxide, the fermentation process of yeast also produces ethanol (the alcohol content in our beloved Friday night tipples). But remember even in the smallest amounts alcohol can prove to be very dangerous for your best friend.

A basic list

This is by no means a definitive account of all foods that may prove harmful for your dog, there are many more out there that can harm the health of your pet, just as there are many perfectly safe day-to-day human foods that can help and even improve muttly’s diet.

There are many factors involved, be it a dog’s breed, age, size, or health as to the seriousness of the symptoms or possible consequences encountered from consuming any of the foods listed above. Some dogs have been known to eat some of these foods without any side effects at all, whilst others have ingested only a small amount and have become seriously, and dangerously ill.

With my girl, I know what I prefer to do, and that is to avoid the risk entirely by not letting her have access to anything that could damage her health.


If you have any tales to tell about your dog consuming any dangerous human foods then please feel free to leave a comment below.

4 thoughts on “Dangerous Foods for Dogs – Keep Fido Safe!”

  1. As dog owners, we need to familiarise ourselves with information such as this because I believe we are the ones that make the difference. Imagine, if I never got to read this here and I made a mistake of feeding my dog any of these, I would never be able to forgive myself if I knew I killed her unknowingly. Thanks for sharing this.

    • Hi Isaak, thanks for your comment. It’s so true that we are the ones who make the difference in our beloved pets lives. It’s important to know what your dog is eating or has eaten at all times, so we can protect them as best as we can.

      If you need any further tips or advice then please don’t hesitate contacting us here.

      We are always avaliable for dog lovers.

  2. Hello there, thank you very much for this. I am a big fan of puppies. I see many people in my neighbourhood regularly giving anything they like to their dogs. Going through this, I have seen that some of these foods can kill a dog without the owner even knowing they are giving their dog something dangerous. The best recommendation for me is canned food for dogs.

    • Hi Oviss. Thanks a lot for taking the time for reading this post and for commenting. It’s true that a lot of people just give their beloved pets anything and everything to eat. If only small quantities are consumed now and again then most of the time it shouldn’t be too critical, but in our opinion here it’s best to avoid feeding your four legged any of the foods listed above.


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